Sunday, July 15, 2012

Thank You Card - Easy as 1,2,3

If you're anything like me you like to have cards on hand for just about anything...especially Thank You Cards.

For my first "how to" I'm going to show you an easy Thank You card that won't take you long and looks like it took hours - beautiful and elegant. Give someone that did something nice for you or gave you a gift a hand crafted card that comes from the heart. If you're like me you send out a lot of Thank You's and need to have a few on hand. Here is my full proof Thank You card! Here is a picture of what you will need ---

Step 1: Use DCWV Lemon Flower Card stock 6.5" x 4.5" Cut the card stock to size to fit the blank card you chose. In this case I'm using a yellow blank card.

Step 2: Use Cricut Story Book "Thank You" and cut it size 1.25" with the Navy Pearl. This only comes in sheets of 8.5" x 11 - but you can re-use this paper for just about anything. Glue "Thank You" horizontally on card at the top.

 Step 3: Punch 3 Butterflies out of green polka dot paper from same card stock pack - DCWV Lemon Flower. Glue Butterflies on a diagnal upward from bottom right corner That's it! Easy as 1, 2, 3! You can create several of these cards to have on hand, or if you're in a pinch it's fast and easy.

 Thanks for reading, Frogeeze

1 comment:

  1. That was a fast and easy Thank You card! Thank you for sharing.
